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Monday, December 31, 2012

Hats off to Teachers

From A School Principal's speech at a graduation…

He said "Doctor wants his child to become a doctor…

Engineer wants his child to become engineer…

Businessman wants his ward to become CEO…

BUT a teacher also wants his child to become one of them..!!!!

Nobody wants to become a teacher BY CHOICE"

Very sad but that's the truth…!!!

The dinner guests were sitting around the table…

discussing life.

One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued,

"What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life

was to become a teacher?"

To stress his point he said to another guest; "You're a teacher, Bonnie. Be

honest. What do you make?"

Teacher Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You

want to know what I make?" (She paused for a second, then began...)

"Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.

I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor winner.

I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't make

them sit for 5 min. without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental."

"You want to know what I make? (She paused again and looked at each and every

person at the table)

I make kids wonder.

I make them question.

I make them apologize and mean it.

I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.

I teach them how to write and then I make them write. Keyboarding isn't


I make them read, read, read.

I make them show all their work in math. They use their God given brain, not the

man-made calculator.

I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know about

English while preserving their unique cultural identity.

I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.

Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they

were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life."

(Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.)

"Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money isn't

everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are

ignorant. You want to know what I make?"



"What do you make Mr. CEO?"

His jaw dropped; he went silent.


The Power of Positive Intention 10 Steps

“Everything that is created in the universe is here already. We are not really creators as much as we are re-combiners of everything.” “All of us have the capacity to attract to ourselves what seems to be missing in our lives.” “If you think about shortages, you’re going to attract more shortage! If you think about what’s missing, you’re going to attract more of what’s missing in your life.”

Wayne Dyer Let me start with an example of what Wayne Dyer is speaking of in his last quote above, as this is a very important concept to grasp. A few months ago I woke up feeling shear dread about going to the office. I felt I could not go in and face the day. I said to myself “If I were sick with a cold or flu I wouldn’t have to go to work.”

What do you know! Five minutes later I was displaying symptoms of the flu. I was coughing, sneezing and a headache and nausea had set in. Going to work was out of the question. This is how powerful intention setting can be. Even though it had a negative outcome it still gave me the result I wanted at that time. We each have the power to manifest into our lives the things we want and need. The only puzzle piece that is missing, in most cases, is the strength of the belief that we can.
 Like in my story above I really believed that I would be better off sick than going to work healthy. By now we have all heard the phrase “It is not about seeing and then believing, it is about believing and then seeing.” The ability to manifest is innate in our being. We have the connection to source. Like a golfer we just need to hone our skill through practice. We always receive some result to any intention we set. However, in many cases the person awaiting the result can miss the actual realization of their desire altogether. They just do not see the manifestation of the intention because they may be looking in the wrong place or just not seeing at all because they are expecting something different.

For example, someone has set the intention to have a new “perfect” love interest come into their life. They set all the parameters of the person and no one shows up. Yet the person can be someone they are already in some sort of relationship with at the present time. Someone who was not available prior or they didn’t see the individual for who they truly are and they miss the opportunity altogether.

One example I like to use that really explains this well is when I was in the market for a new, previously owned, vehicle. I shopped around on car lots. I browsed the regular spots online. I even read through the car sales magazines. Finally after many weeks of searching I finally found the vehicle I was looking for. It was just missing a couple of features that I wanted. So I purchased the car.

The second person I showed my new car to let me know very quickly that a friend at the office just sold the exact same vehicle except it had all the features I had been looking for and at a better price. What is worse is she had actually told me about it two weeks prior. I just had not been paying attention. So I have given you examples of both positive manifestation and negative as well. The question you are probably asking at this point is “How is it done?” “What is system that I find works?”

It is very simple:

1. Choose something for yourself that would be for your greater good . Remember that what you intend to manifest will come to fruition. As the old adage goes “Be careful what you ask for. You may just receive it.”

2. Be very clear about what you want to manifest. Write it down. Make it reasonable though. The more unbelievable the description the harder it will be for you yourself to truly belief it. Example: I am 5 foot 3 inches tall and my intention is that I am 5 foot 10 inches tall. Probably not going to happen!

3. State the intention in a positive way. No no’s or not’s. Negatives are not recognized by the Universe. For instance “I don’t want my husband to leave his socks on the living room floor” could rather read “My husband picks up his clothes from the living room floor and puts them away.”

4. State it in the present , as if it has already occurred or you have received it as in the example above.

5. Set it in emotions . Feel that you have already received fulfillment. Be happy about. Celebrate !

6. Send it out to the Universe with thanks and appreciation .

7. Be thankful !!! Be grateful !!!

8. Let it go so that the universe can bring it back to you fully formed . If you hang on, especially with expectations of how it must come to you, you will be placing limits on how the Universe can deliver it.

9. Share your intention with other positive individuals that will support you with their thought. You can even start an intention circle that has like minded people get together on a regular basis to share your intentions and most importantly verbally support each other.

10. Every morning re-visit your intentions and gratitudes . This is important. Keep your intentions somewhere you can see them.

You can even make a vision board that pictorially represents your intentions and keep it in a prominent place in your home. As mentioned above revisiting your intentions does not mean hanging on to them. Let them go and manifest themselves. If you try to keep control of the manifestation process guess what, you will be in control and where has that gotten you so far. I have found that all the best manifestations that have occurred in my life were when I followed the above process and then completely letting go of any control whatsoever.

Amazing things happened. That is how I met my current partner who is everything I hoped for. It is how my new book The Midas Tree was born and many more wonderful things and experiences. I know, without a shadow of a doubt that setting intentions works and it can for everyone. If you truly believe and are willing to see it when it arrives then you too can have your dreams come true.

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Other Side of The River

A man went out for a walk.

He came to a river and saw a woman on the opposite bank.

"Yoo-hoo," he shouted, "how can I get to the other side?"

The woman looked up the river then down the river then shouted

"You're already on the other side."
Life and truth is often a matter of perspective and viewpoint.

I thought about that issue for a good part of the day.
It was short and somewhat funny but extremely profound.

Do you realize how many people are trying to get to the very
side that you are already on while you are trying to get
somewhere else?

Do you know how many people wish they had a good husband or
wife like you do?

Do you realize how many couples wish they could have children
like you do?

Do you know how many suffering people wish they had a pain free
body like you do?

Do you know how many people wish they just had enough money to
pay their basic bills like you do?

Do you realize how many people wish they could get to the weight
that you are already at?

Do you realize how many people wish they had a job like you do?

Do you realize how many people wish they could see like you can?

...could hear like you can?

...could walk like you can?

I, like most of you reading this, wish for many things.
I have a lot of dreams and visions.

"Perspective" really made me think and realize
that with so many of the rivers of life,

I'm already on the "other" side.

So are you.   

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Keeping Your Cool

With all the stress and pressure in our lives, it is easy to lose our cool at the slightest irritation. While we are rushing home from work at the end of another exhausting day, we scream at the slow driver in front of us who apparently has all the time in the world. While we shop at the grocery store, we get annoyed with the stock clerk who sends us to the wrong aisle when we are in search of the ingredients for tonight's special dish. And while we are eating our dinner, we yell at the telemarketer who has nerve to interrupt us in an attempt to sell us their latest wares.

     The problem with losing our temper on a daily basis is that it becomes a habit. And like most habits, a time arrives when it becomes a second nature. Personal relationships start unraveling, business partnerships begin to fall apart and your credibility decreases. Effective people are consistent and, in many ways, predictable. Keeping your cool in a moment of crisis can save you years of pain and anguish. Hurtful words unleashed in a single minute of anger have led to many a broken friendship or relationship. Words are like arrows: once released, they are impossible to retrieve. So choose yours with care. An excellent way to control temper is

``Three Gate Test'' as practiced by ancient sages. The ancient sages would only speak if the words they were about to utter passed three gates. At the first gate, they asked themselves, Are these words truthful?  If so, the words could pass on to the second gate. At the second gate, the sages asked, Are these words necessary? If so, they would then pass on to the third gate, where they would ask, Are these words kind? If so, then only they leave their lips and be sent out into the world.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Some of the advantages of Online MBA

Some of the advantages of Online MBA are listed below:
  • Anytime, anywhere learning – fully compatible with work and personal commitments
  • Weekly online classes for those who wish to directly interact with faculty
  • Virtual classrooms for flexibility in learning
  • Specially designed course study materials
  • Flexibility in choosing the specialization of interest
  • All internal examinations are conducted online.
  •  GICE provide Online MBA In Corporate Management

New Year Questions

As we approach New Year, let's look back and see did the year go as we expected.

  Hope you will take some time from your busy schedule and reply.

What was the best part of last year?

What was the worst part of last year?

What was the biggest surprise of last year?

What are you most looking forward to next year?

Is there anything you are not looking forward to next year?

Which new years resolutions did you keep last year?

Which new years resolutions did you break last year?

What will be your new years resolutions next year?

Which resolution are you most likely to break?

Which resolution are you most likely to keep?

What will you be doing on new years eve?

Who will you be with at new years eve?

What was the best song of last year?

What was the best TV show of last year?

What was the best book you read last year?

What was the best film of last year?

What change would you like to make to your life next year?

What change would you like to see in the world next year?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Fear not ! The hoax is exposed.

Here's an extract from DOOMSDAY FACT SHEET 2012 from David Morrison, Senior Scientist, NASA LUNAR SCIENCE INSTITUTE and Director, Carl Segan Centre for Life Studies in the Universe. Hope you find it interesting.

Mayan Calendar: The Maya calendar, which is made up different cycles of day counts, does not end this year. Rather, one cycle of 144,000 days (394 years) ends and the next cycle begins.

Mayan Prophecy: The ancient Maya did not predict the end of the world or any disaster in December 2012. Such doomsday predictions are a modern hoax.

Planet Nibiru: Nibiru is probably the minor name of a god found in ancient Mesopotamian writing. There is no planet named Nibiru, and the fictional books by economist Zecharia Sitchin about a civilization on this planet are a hoax.

Rogue Planet Headed for Earth: For the past decade there have been reports of a rogue object (Planet X, or Nibiru, or Hercubolus, or even Comet Elenin) that will collide with Earth in December 2012. These claims are not true. If such a threatening world existed, it would be one of the brightest objects in the sky, and astronomers would have been tracking it for years. If it existed, its gravity would be distorting the orbits of planets, especially Mars and Earth. Astronomers know that it does not exist.

Planet Alignments: There is no alignment of planets in Dec 2012. There is an approximate lining up of the Earth and Sun and the center of our Galaxy in late December, but this happens every year. In any case, planet alignments have no effect on the Earth.

Pole Shift: There is nothing strange this year about either the magnetic poles or the rotational poles of the Earth. The magnetic polarity changes every million years or so, but that is not happening now, and it probably takes thousands of years when it does happen. A sudden change in the rotational axis has never happened and is not possible. If there were any change in the Earth’s rotation, it would be instantly apparent by failure of our GPS systems.

Increasing Disasters: Our planet is behaving normally in 2012, although we see more and more news stories about natural disasters. There has been no increase in earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. There has been an increase in extreme weather, including both droughts and floods, which are partly attributable to global warming, but this has nothing to do with a 2012 doomsday.

Solar Outbursts: The Sun’s ongoing 11-year activity cycle is expected to peak in 2013, not 2012. Solar outbursts (flares and CMEs) can damage orbiting satellites but will not hurt us on the surface. The strength of the 2013 solar maximum is predicted to be lower than average, not higher.

Bunker Conspiracy: Accusations of a massive government cover-up are nonsense. No government could hide an incoming planet or silence hundreds of thousands of scientists. Rumors that huge bunkers have been built in the U.S. or elsewhere to shelter the elite are lies. Apparently a few people are building private shelters, but their fear of 2012 is misplaced and they are wasting their money.

Scaring Children: The group most vulnerable to doomsday claims is children. Teachers report that many of their students are frightened and some are even considering suicide. This is the most tragic consequence of the 2012 hoax.

The End of the World: The idea of the sudden end of the world by any cause is absurd. The Earth has been here for more than 4 billion years, and it will be several more billion years before the gradual brightening of the Sun makes our planet unlivable. Meanwhile there is no known astronomical or geological threat that could destroy the Earth.

Cosmophobia: Many young people write to me that they are scared of astronomy. When they read about some new discovery, the first thing they think is that it might hurt them, even if it is happening in a distant galaxy. There is no reason for such fears, which I call cosmophobia (fear of the universe). This rash of concern seems to be the result of too many conspiracy theories and sensational stories featured on the Internet and irresponsible news outlets. Astronomical objects are so distant that they cannot threaten the Earth. Please don’t be afraid of the Sun or the planets or comets or asteroids. The universe is not your enemy.


David Morrison


Director – Carl Segan Centre for Study of Life Science in the Universe

Sunday, December 16, 2012

30 Facts You May not Know About Protein!

Is it possible to live without protein? What happens when there is too much or too little protein in the body? What is the best fish protein, and what cheese? What differs animal protein from vegetable protein? and is the protein in eggs the best quality of protein?

35 interesting facts you did not know about ... Protein!

1. Protein is a core building block for the trillions of cells in the human body. without protein, no life could exist. The only material which is more common in the body than protein is water. 18%-20% of the body is protein.

2. The human body has about 100,000 different types of protein. The body them needs to grow, heal and sustain all the body's chemical reactions.

3. The word protein  is derived from the Greek word - proteios meaning "first".

4. Proteins in the body come in many shapes and sizes. Simple proteins look like "little trains" with a lot of cars. Each "car" or such protein unit, is called an amino acid. What is common to all the different types of proteins in the body is that they are all complex chemicals made from over 20 different types of amino acids.

5. While beef is a much more popular meat than chicken, the protein content is lower than that found in chicken meat.

6. Excess protein can also cause weight gain.

7. In 2010, the athlete Ben Pearson, then 20, increased his protein intake to increase muscle size. However, he did not know he had a rare genetic disorder that prevented his body from breaking down proteins. High levels of protein in his body caused increased production of ammonia in the blood, causing the brain to swell and tragically, caused Pearson's death.

8. Hair is composed of insoluble fibrous and non-digested protein called keratin. Keratin protein appears in the form of a coil and a creates the horned tissue of the body, such as nails and hair. Curtin has sulfur bonds that make hair curly. The more sulfur ties, the more curly hair.

9. Proteins, like carbohydrates and fats, are considered one of the major nutrients, this is because they provide energy (calories) to the body. While proteins and carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram, fat provides 9 calories per gram. The only other substance that provides calories is alcohol. However, it is not considered one of the major nutrition sources of the food because it is not nutritious and people do not need it to survive.

10. Proteins present in certain foods can cause allergies, because the structure of the protein may trigger an immune response. For example: Many people are allergic to gluten, a protein found mainly in cereal.

11. Of all the types of cheese, Parmesan cheese that is low in sodium contains the most protein - 41.6 grams per serving of 100 grams.

12. Of fish, yellow tuna contains the most protein (30 grams per serving of 100 grams). After it on the list: anchovies (29 gr), salmon (27 g), halibut (27 g) and tilapia (26 grams).

13. The older and bigger a legume, so the amount of protein in it is larger. Of legumes, roasted and fully matured soybean seeds and adults contain the largest amount of protein - 39.6 grams per 100 grams.

14. Pumpkin seeds provide 33 grams of protein per serving of 100 grams, while watermelon seeds provide a little less than 28 grams per 100 grams.

15. Too much protein can be dangerous to the body. For example, high levels of protein can create a strain on the liver and kidneys and cause them to work extra hard to dismantle and dispose of the extra protein.

16. One of the smallest countries in the world, Luxembourg, is one of the largest meat-eating countries in the world. In Luxembourg, each resident can average about -136 kg per year. In second place are Americans with an annual average of 125 kg per person, and Austria comes in at third place with an average annual consumption of 120 kg of animal protein.

17. Although the population in India exceeds a billion, it is considered the country with the lowest meat consumption, with an average of 3 pounds of meat per person. In second place, Bangladesh with an average of 4 kg of meat per person and in third place, the Democratic Republic of Congo with an average Annual of 5 kg of meat per person.

18. The protein in eggs is considered the highest quality protein of all foods.

19. In the past, cow protein was considered the most eaten animal protein, today it is the pig.

20. Researchers found that certain mutations in protein may increase the risk of autism. Specifically, when a protein called Shank3 mutates, it can cause a disruption in the connections between neurons, which affects the chances of autism.

21. Without the protein called albumin, the entire human body would be swollen from liquids.  Low levels of albumin are found in patients with hydrating (pathological accumulation of water), in people with extensive burns, kidney disease, problems absorbing food and people suffering from malnutrition. In third world countries - protein diet and lack of food are common problems that cause the swelling of the abdomen from the absence of albumin and osmotic imbalance of body fluids.

22. Protein deficiency can cause serious health problems. For example, children with protein deficiency may develop a condition known as Kooshiorkor. Symptoms include protruding belly, thinning hair, weight loss and faded skin color. If the phenomenon is not treated properly, it can lead to stunted growth, mental disorders and even death.

23. Protein found in male semen acts on the female brain to stimulate ovulation.

24. For most people, the recommendation is to consume 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of their body weight. Example: A man weighing 80 kg, should consume at least 80 grams of protein each day.

25. Failure to absorb protein can cause diseases such as Alzheimer's and cancer.

26. Insects provide a higher quality form of protein compared to many common forms of food. For example, 100 grams of beef steak contains 29 grams of protein and 21 fat - on the other hand, 100 grams of grasshopper contain 20 grams of protein and only 6 grams of fat.

27. Complete protein is a protein that contains all nine essential amino acids. In most cases (but not all) animal protein such as beef, chicken, fish, dairy products and eggs, is considered a complete protein. Incomplete protein sources for example are nuts and vegetables.

28. Protein intake affects the body in many ways. Mainly: bone cell synthesis, production of red blood cells, heart cells turnover rate, neurotransmitters responsible for mood, antibody immune function, producing enzymes and hormones, flexibility, muscle, organ function and balance of acidity.

29. Middle-aged people don't have the more flexible body of young people, which means they need to consume much more protein. But middle-age rate of acid production Hhidroclorit helps digest the protein down to half from its newsletters. Because protein is essential for cell regeneration, a large part of the researchers argue that this main reason for aging.

30. Vegetable sources of protein include legumes, nuts, seeds and fruit. Plants low in protein include roots and tubers, like yams and potatoes.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

There are people who can’t say sorry. They are real cowards. Ignore them.

In our life, we cross different people. The wider the variety we meet, the richer our experience becomes. Over the years, I have found kinds of people and many of them have amazed me & have added to my learning.

There are people whom your friends will say are bad but you could not understand why; as they always remain good to you. However, it becomes difficult for you to trust them.

There are people who try to show you that they are your well wisher and friend, but they shall spread bad words about you behind your back. It’s difficult to deal with such people.

There are people who are everyone’s best friend, without knowing the meaning of friendship. It’s better to keep away from them.

There are people whom you never understand. They behave abnormally under different circumstances; and you always strive hard to know why and how.

There are people who know their rights but not responsibilities. These are real selfish people. They just frustrate you.

There are people who can’t say sorry. They are real cowards. Ignore them.

There are people to whom you connect immediately without even knowing them much. Probably, they send their friendly vibes the moment they meet you first. It’s good to have them.

There are people who are easy to talk to. You tend to share your life with them without any fear.

You find people who are not your friends but will support you in your tough time unexpectedly. They are people who will stand up for you just knowing that you are right, not concerned of what relation they share with you. They are worthy of your friendship.

You waste your emotions on certain people and they will take you for granted. No matter how much you care, these people just don’t give back. Just get over them.

There are certain people whom you always feel like trusting, even after your trust is broken once. It’s better to be careful with these people.

The dangerous of kind: Give your life to them and they will backstab. You are unlucky if you find one.

There are people who are your real friends, talk to them after years – they are still the same. You can approach them during any difficult stage of your life. Such friendships are to be cherished. The more you have, the lucky you are.

Certain people know their limits and understand what to talk and what not to. And, hence, it’s immense pleasure talking to them. Then,there are opposite of kind. You feel like shooing these buggers away.

There are people who are fun talking. You simply enjoy their company. These people make you laugh. Spend time with them and appreciate them.

Certain people love you through out your life. When in pain, they come by your side and assure that they are always there. They never press you to tell them everything, giving you the liberty to share as much as you want. They shall listen to you, as well patiently, hoping that you feel better and just wanting you to be happy. These people are life's real treasure.

To the world I know, but who failed to know me…

To the world I know, but who failed to know me…

Because I once cried, don’t think I am weak
Because I once spoke out my pain; don’t feel that I am still hurt
Don’t look at me with that sympathy in your eyes
Come on, I have a beautiful life :)

Because I lost once; don’t believe I’ll give up
Because I fell once; it doesn’t mean that I won’t stand up again
I had a nightmare; but I still carry the courage to dream again

I am not an introvert; just that I judge people first before getting close to them
I am not ignorant; I know what to talk and to whom so that noone is hurt
I have only few friends; because I believe in having few but real good friends
I too have admirers; only that I don’t like to shout about them……

Because I once cried, don’t think I am weak.

Life is journey…Let us share ours…

When the world shall be too hot to handle, I’ll be there with you

When you find it difficult to hold on, you can silently weep in my arms

When tired, you can rest on my shoulders

Sometimes, I may not understand, but I promise to listen always

I am not a Super-hero who shall drive away all your troubles, but I bet I can make you laugh

The moments of sigh and despair shall be lighter…

I may not be able to take you around the world, however together we shall create a beautiful world...

Ours shall be a joyous and fulfilling life

Holding hands, we shall walk….

Have I told you that your smile brighten up my world

Life may change; whatever may come and go, my love for you shall never change

You are the most beautiful woman on this earth and you shall always be the one

During our older age, we shall sit under the sun, shall play and share the laughter & giggles

Before dying, I shall pray to God for another beautiful life with this pretty lady as mine

Life is journey…Let us share ours…

But Somehow I sail through by telling myself KEEP GOING!!

Sometimes……Tired of running, I stumble and feel like stopping
At that time, something inside me says KEEP GOING; and I manage not to fall..

Sometimes, happiness and joy all seem to melt into emptiness
Deep dark silence encompasses the song of my heart
My world seems to be falling apart
And then something inside me says KEEP GOING; and I keep the Faith up...

Sometimes, I try and I fail……
I so much want to give up, when something inside me says KEEP GOING and forces me to give it yet another chance…..

Sometimes, the world is rude and I feel like hiding away
But I gather all my courage to face it and fight back, as something inside me says KEEP GOING

Sometimes, the black clouds of trouble seem to overshadow my life
But Somehow I sail through by telling myself KEEP GOING!!

I know, God, you always have better plans; grant me Faith to always believe so.

I know, God, you always have better plans; grant me Faith to always believe so.

Whenever you endow me with pain, acquaint me with equal strength to bear the same.

In whatever situation of life I am, please take care that I don’t do any wrong.

Grant me enough kindness towards others trouble and courage to sail through my own.

In the best moments of my life, let me remain polite & humble.
When in dark, lead me to right way. I completely trust you, God, and lay my life in your hands.

Also, Make me more cheerful, so that I enjoy every bit of your creation called ‘Beautiful Life’.

Education is the means to the answer to all questions.

Education is the means to the answer to all questions.

Broaden your outlook, deepen your understanding.

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it, away from you.

Collaboration operates through a process in which the successful intellectual achievements of one person arouse the intellectual passions and enthusiasms of others.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind.

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

At Create and Innovate we don't pretend to provide the answers to your problems, we facilitate the processes that lead to solutions.

Quality education and training leads to positive flow on effects for the entire community, with the economic impact extending from students who achieve greater earning capacity, to businesses who gain increased productivity through highly skilled employees.

Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model.