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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Don't ever forget that you are Unique.

Don't ever forget that you are Unique.

Be your best self and not an

imitation of someone else.

Find your strength and use

them in a positive way.

Don't listen to those who redicule

the choices you make.

Travel the road that you have

chosen and don't
look back with regret.

You have to take chances to

make your dreams happen.

Remember that there is plenty

of time to travel another road -

and still another in your

journey through life.

Take the time to take the

route that is right for you.
You will learn something

valuable every trip you take,
so don't be afraid to make mistakes.

Tell yourself that you're okay

as the way you are.
make friends who

respect your true self.

Take the time to be alone,

too, so you can know
just how terrific your

own company be.

Remember that being alone

doesn't always mean
being lonely, it can be beautiful

experiance of finding your creativity,

your heartfelt feelings,
and the clam and quiet

peace deep inside you.

Don't ever forget that you

are special and you have
within you the ability to make

your dreams come true.


We tend to forget that.......
Happiness doesn't a
 result of getting something we don't have,

 but it rather comes..... by recognizing
and appreciating all that we have.


There is no limit to what you can imagine.

And the moment you imagine anything, it begins to come to life.
When you imagine, you plant a seed.

The more detailed and specific your imagination becomes,

the more that seed will grow.

Imagine the place you would most like to be.

Then imagine how you could get there.
Continue to imagine, in greater and greater detail,

and at some point an amazing transformation occurs.

The object of your imagination crosses over into reality.

When you imagine, you focus your mind on the possibilities.

And your mind goes to work to make those possibilities happen.
When you imagine, be sure to imagine the very best.

For what you can imagine sets the stage for where you'll go.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Low in calories and packed with nutrients,
they should be part of a balanced diet

As the latest superfood hits the headlines
(when was the last time you ate broccoli sprouts?),
it's easy to forget the humble egg.
Packed with nutrients, relatively low in calories and easy to obtain,
here are some reasons why eggs should be part of a healthy, balanced diet.


Eggs are a rich source of high quality protein. A medium sized egg has more than 6g of protein,

 and contains all eight of the essential amino acids which can only be obtained from your diet.

Virtually free of carbohydrates, the high protein content of eggs may also help with satiety, i.e.

 they help you feel full for longer than other foods.

At around 80 calories per medium sized egg, they are also low in calories.


Eggs are often thought of being high in fat. But a medium sized egg contains around 6g of fat,

 and only 1.7g of this is saturated fat, the type associated with high cholesterol levels,

 heart disease and stroke. Most of the fats in eggs are the healthier monosaturated or polysaturated kinds.


When it comes to cholesterol, eggs get something of a bad press.

High blood cholesterol levels are a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke,

and egg yolks are rich in cholesterol.

However, it's now known that saturated fats play a major role in blood cholesterol levels,

whereas cholesterol-containing foods such as eggs and prawns have little overall effect.

If you want to lower your cholesterol levels, especially bad LDL-cholesterol,

cut back on foods containing saturated fats such as fatty meats, sausages, pastries, cakes,

 butter and lard.

Vitamin D

Many of us are deficient in this vital vitamin.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, important for healthy bones and teeth.

Our bodies produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight,

 but eggs are one of the few foods which are also rich in this vitamin.

Adults deficient in vitamin D are at greater risk of osteoporosis.

 Other studies have linked vitamin D deficiency to serious health problems

including cancer, heart disease and multiple sclerosis.

B vitamins

Eggs are a great source of vitamin B12, needed for making red blood cells,

maintaining the nervous system and for general growth.

Too little vitamin B12 can lead to anaemia.

Eggs are also a good source of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which helps the body

 absorb iron and is important for healthy skin, nails and hair.

Eggs are a brain food, as they are one of the richest sources of choline,

needed for healthy brain development and function.

The yolk from a medium sized egg contains around 300mg of choline.

Most of the choline we need comes from our diet.

It is used by the body to form the neurotransmitter acetylcholine,

 involved in memory function.

Low levels of choline can lead to a deficiency in folic acid,

also important for a healthy brain.

 Choline plays an important role in the brain development of the unbo

rn child and also helps prevent birth defects.

Egg yolks contain lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids which may help lower

the risk of macular degeneration, the most common cause of sight loss in the UK.

Research also suggests that the lutein from eggs is more readily taken up by the

body than from other types of food

The Rose

It is only a tiny rosebud,
A flower of God's design,
But I cannot unfold the petals
with these clumsy hands of mine,

The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I,

The flower God opens so sweetly,
In my hands would fade and die.

If I cannot unfold a rosebud
This flower of God's design,
Then how can I think I have the wisdom

To unfold this life of mine?

So I'll trust in Him for His leading
Each moment of everyday

And I'll look to Him for guidance
Each step of the Pilgrim way.

For the pathway that lies before me,
My heavenly father knows.

So I'll trust Him to unfold the moments,
Just as He unfolds the rose

Barriers to Love

Whatever is in your heart that is not clean, not true, will ultimately
 begin to act like a wall, obstructing the natural flow of love.

People who say that there is no love in their life,
 are being blocked by this wall.

Actually there is love, but they just can't accept it.

Ego is the clearest example of this.

Ego limits the flow of love by placing conditions on the
love you give and receive.

Ego uses love to satisfy its own needs and desires.

It produces a love which is deceptive, one which brings
only temporary satisfaction.

Ego does not allow you to experience true love or share it.

If fact, ego is capable of destroying your ability to
feel love altogether.


Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.
It is the result of long and patient effort in self-control.
Its presence is an indication of ripened experience,
and of a more than ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought.

A person becomes calm in the measure that one understands themselves as a
thought evolved being, for such knowledge necessitates the understanding
of others as the result of thought, and as one develops a right understanding,
and sees more and more clearly the internal relations of things by the action
of cause and effect, one ceases to fuss and fume and worry and grieve,
and remains poised, steadfast, serene.

The calm person, having learned how to govern themselves,
knows how to adapt themselves to others; and they, in turn,
reverence their spiritual strength, and feel that they can learn of them
and rely upon them.

The more tranquil a person becomes, the greater is their success,
their influence, their power for good.

Even the ordinary trader will find their business prosperity increase as one develops
a greater self control and equanimity,

for people will always prefer to deal with a person whose demeanor
is strongly equable.

The strong, calm person is always loved and revered.

They are like a shade-giving tree in a thirsty land, or a sheltering rock in a storm.

Who does not love a tranquil heart, a sweet-tempered, balanced life?

It does not matter whether it rains or shines,
or what changes come to those possessing these blessings,
for they are always sweet, serene, and calm.

That exquisite poise of character which we call serenity is the last lesson of culture;
is the flowering of life, the fruitage of the soul.
It is precious as wisdom, more to be desired than gold, than even fine gold.

How insignificant mere money seeking looks in comparison with a serene life –
a life that dwells in the ocean of truth, beneath the waves,
beyond the reach of tempests, in the eternal calm!

How many people we know who sour their lives, who ruin all that is sweet
and beautiful by explosive tempers,

who destroy their poise of character, and make bad blood!

It is a question whether the great majority of people do not ruin their lives
and mar their happiness by lack of self-control flow few people we meet in life
who are well-balanced,

who have that exquisite poise which is characteristic of the finished character!

Faith will take you through

Even though the sky seems dark, believe in the future.
The storm will pass over. The clouds will roll by.
Believe in the best though it seems hidden.
Know that it will come though its not in sight.

Your faith will take you through the darkness.
Your belief shall prove that the sun will shine again.

Monday, April 25, 2011

A related pair of words or phrases

In each of the following questions, a related pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.

A. accessible: exposed
B. theoretical: conceived
C. tangible: identified
D. irregular: classified
E. incipient: realized

A. animated: originality
B. exaggerated: hyperbole
C. insidious: effrontery
D. pompous: irrationality
E. taciturn: solemnity

A. blockage: obstacle
B. strike: concession
C. embargo: commerce
D. vaccination: inoculation
E. prison: reform

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Heart of A Teacher"

The child arrives like a mystery box...
with puzzle pieces inside
some of the pieces are broken or missing...
and others just seem to hide

But the HEART of a teacher can sort them out...
and help the child to see
the potential for greatness he has within...
a picture of what he can be

Her goal isn't just to teach knowledge...
by filling the box with more parts
it's putting the pieces together...
to create a work of art.

The process is painfully slow at times...
some need more help than others
each child is a work in progress...
with assorted shapes and colors

First she creates a classroom...
where the child can feel safe in school
where he never feels threatened or afraid to try...
and kindness is always the rule

She knows that a child
can achieve much more when he feels secure inside
when he's valued and loved...and believes in himself
...and he has a sense of pride

She models and teaches good character...
and respect for one another
how to focus on strengths...not weaknesses
and how to encourage each other

She gives the child the freedom he needs...
to make choices on his own
so he learns to become more responsible...
and is able to stand alone

He's taught to be strong and think for himself...
as his soul and spirit heal
and the puzzle that's taking shape inside...
has a much more positive feel

The child discovers the joy that comes...
from learning something new...
and his vision grows as he begins
to see all the things he can do

A picture is formed as more pieces fit...
an image of the child within
with greater strength and confidence...
and a belief that he can win!

All because a hero was there...
in the HEART of a teacher who cared
enabling the child to become much more...
than he ever imagined...or dared

A teacher with a HEART for her children...
knows what teaching is all about
she may not have all the answers...
but on this...she has no doubt

When asked which subjects she loved to teach,
she answered this way and smiled...
"It's not the subjects that matter...

It's all about teaching the CHILD."

Listen Negative but Respond Positive - The Art of Listening !

The ability to find solutions comes when I know the art of listening.

I normally get to hear a lot of things and tend to get coloured by all that I hear.

The more I hear about negative things, the more difficult it becomes to maintain my own positivity.

Yet I can do nothing to ignore the things that make me feel negative. I need to know to listen to people rather than just hearing them.

To know to listen means the ability to transform negative into positive.

Just as a doctor listens to all the negative aspects about the disease etc and still knows only to give the medicine,

I too need to listen in order to give what is required.

See Yourself

 The more time you spend feeling sorry for yourself, the more
Things you'll have to be sorry about. If you insist on
Seeing yourself as a victim, you'll end up experiencing your
Life as a victim.

It doesn't have to be that way. Because you can choose right
Now, and every day, to see yourself in a positive,
Empowering light.

The way you see yourself is up to you. It doesn't have
Anything to do with the circumstances you happen to be

See yourself as the unique, beautiful, creative and
Effective person you know you are. See yourself as a bundle
Of positive, inspiring and meaningful possibilities that are
Well on their way to being fulfilled.

See that you are able to successfully handle whatever life
Sends your way. See that you are able to thrive and grow and
Make positive meaning out of the world in which you live.

See yourself as constantly moving forward through it all,
With love and joy and purpose. And what you see, you will

Doubt is nothing but a thought.

Though doubt can stop you cold, you always have the power to overcome it.
For your doubts cannot take action, but you certainly can.
With each positive action, with each step forward,
the doubt will quickly melt away.

There is no need to fight against your doubts.
You can simply decide to walk away from them.
Though they may have become quite comfortable and well entrenched,
 your doubts exist only as long as you're willing to support them.

When your desire to move beyond them grows strong enough,
then you can easily leave them behind.

Those doubts may seem big and imposing, but all their power
comes from your thoughts.
And you can choose to turn those thoughts in a completely different,
 and far more positive direction.
Think and act in the direction of your dreams.
And your doubts will be left far behind.

Your Thoughts

What you see in front of you is a function of the thoughts you nourish inside of you.

Have you ever thought about a person whom you haven't heard from in a long time,

and then that person suddenly appears again in your life?

 It may seem magical or supernatural but it's not.

For your thoughts did not magically cause that person to appear.

Instead, your thoughts opened you up to connect with that person who was there all the time.

There are vast expanses of reality that you have never even considered.

Your thoughts can open you up to experience all sorts of valuable and wondrous things.

Life becomes available to you to the extent that your thoughts allow.

 And the quality of life that you experience is very closely connected to the quality of your thoughts.

Your thoughts are the filter through which you connect with the world where you live.

With your thoughts you can choose to experience the best of life's countless possibilities.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Let life inspire you

Let life inspire you. No matter what happens, you can choose
To be inspired by it.

If you make a mistake, let it inspire you to be more careful
And diligent next time. When you're having a great time, let
It inspire you to create even more positive experiences.

Each time you see kindness, be inspired to pass it forward.
If you encounter deception or injustice, feel inspired to
Raise your world above it.

Anything can inspire you when you choose to let it. You can
Even be inspired for no reason at all.

Be inspired by the big accomplishments and by the small,
Simple moments as well. An inspired life is a life that's
Rich, and it's a life you can choose no matter what.

If there's a reason to be inspired or if there is not, be
Inspired. Bring your spirit fully to life, and raise your
Life to a higher, more enriching level.


Things that cause low spirits may stay by your side
if you let them.

if you, ve been feeling depressed.
discouraged or bummed our for a while,
you may just be making comfortable bed
for your unhappy feelings.
Who wants to leave a comfortable bed?
Not me!

Low spirits are kept alive and well when you
rehears depressing thoughts in your mind
over and over again. Guess what?
its time for you to make an intellegent decision,
and that decision is for change.

Start thinking in terms of possibilites and
opportunities instead of things that
brings you down.
it is hard at first and you may have to
force yourself at first, but with a little prectice,
your spirits will imoprove and blue funk will subside.

A chip on the shoulder

Inspiring others towards happiness brings you happiness.
Plain and simple.

The more you help others find their joy today,
the more youre insured to experience a life worth living.

"What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity?
Our attitude toward it.
 Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity."

"A chip on the shoulder is too heavy a piece of baggage to carry through life."

The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and
convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges.

"From the depth of need and despair, people can work together, can organize themselves
to solve their own problems and fill their own needs with dignity and strength."

"The truth is that we can learn to condition our minds, bodies,
 and emotions to link  Pain or pleasure to whatever we choose.
 By changing what we link pain and pleasure to, we will instantly
change our Behaviors."

"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs
And pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking
You with a sharp stick called 'truth.'"

"I am grateful for all of my problems. After each one was overcome,
I became stronger and more able to meet those that were still to come.
 I grew in all my difficulties.

The master is always There

The master is always There

A man went in a search of truth. A first religious man he met was sitting under tree, just out side his own village.

He asked, " i am searching for true master. pl tell me the characteristics,
His description was very simple. He said,
" you find him sitting under such and such tree, sitting in such and such posture, his hand making such and such gestures- that is enough to know he is the true master,

The seeker started searching, It is said that thirty years passed while he wandered the whole earth. He visited many places but never met the master,

He met many master but none were true master. He return to his own village completely exhausted,.

As he was returning he was surprised, he could not believe it, that old man was seated under the same tree, and how he could see that this was the very that the old man had spoken of
"...... he will be sitting under such and such tree ....." and his posture was exactly as he had described. "It was the same posture he was sitting in thirty years ago-
was i blind ?
That exact expression on his face, The exact gestures.

He felt at his feet saying
" why didn't you tell me in that first place ?
why did you misdirect me for these thirty years ?
why didn't you tell me that you are the true master ?"
The old man said,I told you, but you were not ready to listen.

You were not ready to come home without wandering away, you had to knock on the doors of a thousand houses to come
to your own home, only then could you return, i said it every thing- beneath such and such tree.
I was describing this very tree, the posture i was sitting in, but you were too fast, you couldn't hear correctly, you were in hurry.

you were going some where to search. searching
was very important for you. the truth was not so important.
" But you have come! I was feeling tired, sitting continuously in this posture for you.

you were wandering for thirty years, but think of me sitting under this tree , I know some day you would come, but what if i had already passed away ? I waited for you, you have come , you had to wander for thirty years, but that's your own faults, the master was already here.

" It happens many times in our life that we cannot see what is near & inside us, and what attract us, is the distant drum which sound sweeter, we are pulled by distant dreams.

Try to believe in yourself and try to see inside, you will not believe you will find a Master within you.

Take Time Out

Take time out to work
It is the price of success.

Take time out to think
It is the source of power.

Take time out to play
It is the secret of youth.

Take time out to read
It is the foundation of knowledge.

Take time out to worship
It is the highway of reverence.

Take time out to help and enjoy friends
This is the source of happiness.

Take time out to love
It is the one sacrament of life.

Take time out to dream
It hitches the soul to the stars.

Take time out to laugh
It is the singing that eases life's load.

Accept Changes With a Smile

Sooner or later you'll experience
A crisis in your life,
And how you meet it will determine
Your future happiness and success.

Since the beginning of time,
Everyone has been called upon
To meet such a crisis.

A closer look will show you
That most "crisis situations"
Are opportunities to either advance
Or stay where you are.

In fact, most changes in your life
Will take place out of either
"inspiration" or "desperation."

Whatever comes your way,
Give it meaning and transform it
Into something of value.

Your personal growth is the process
Of responding positively to change.

A precious stone cannot be polished without
friction,Nor humanity perfected without trials.

Friday, April 15, 2011


1.Spot the grammatical, punctuation and sentence structure errors, if any

In August my parents will be married for twenty-five years.
A. will be married for twenty-five years.
B. shall have been married for twenty-five years.
C. will have been married for twenty-five years.
D. will be married for twenty five years.
E. will have married for twenty-five years.

2.The Diary of Anne Frank showed a young girl’s courage during two years of hiding.
A. showed a young girl’s courage
B. shows a young girl’s courage
C. did show a young girls courage
D. has shown a young girl’s courage

3.Buying a new dress, a fresh haircut, and nail polish, Yasmin was ready for the party.
A. a fresh haircut, and painting her nails
B. with a fresh haircut, and nail polish
C. getting a fresh haircut, and polishing her long nails
D. Leave as is.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


The Process:

1. Slit the ladies finger into 2 halves vertically and soak it in water overnight.

2. The next morning, remove the ladies fingers and drink the water, before eating your breakfast.

The Cure:

After the ladies fingers are soaked overnight in the water, you can observe that the water becomes sticky in the morning. This sticky water is considered to be good for people who suffer from Diabetes.


The Process:

1. Boil water along with the tea leaves (any tea leaves will do).

2. Drink the concoction without adding milk, sugar or lemon.

The Cure:

Black Tea will help in enhancing the function of the kidney, thereby not affecting it more. 


The Process:

1.     Take a pinch of Raw Fenugreek Seeds, about 8 - 10 seeds

2.     Swallow it with water before taking your breakfast, every morning

The Cure:

The seeds of Fenugreek are considered good to reduce the blood pressure.


1.     Take Raw Supari (Betel Nut that is not flavoured) and slice them or make pieces of the same

2.     Chew it for about 20 - 40 minutes after every meal

3.     Spit it out

The Cure:

When you chew the supari, the saliva takes in the juice that is generated and this acts like a Blood Thinner. Once your blood becomes free flowing, it brings down the pressure in the blood flow, thereby reducing Blood Pressure too.


1.     Take 8 - 10 grains of raw uncooked rice

2.     Swallow it with water before having your breakfast or eating anything in the morning

3.     Do this for 21 days to see effective results and continuously for 3 months to eliminate acidity from the body

The Cure:

Reduces acid levels in the body and makes you feel better by the day.  


The Process:

1. Take one spoon of refined oil in the mouth on an empty stomach early in the morning, before eating or drinking anything.

2. Without much effort or speed, slowly suck and pull the oil through the teeth. Gargle the oil within closed mouth for 15 - 20 minutes.

3. During this process, the oil becomes liquid and white like milk. Spit the liquid out and wash your mouth thoroughly, preferably with warm water.

4. DO NOT SWALLOW the oil as it contains toxins and harmful bacteria drawn from the body through the saliva. Continue this process everyday for better results.

The Cure:

THE process of Oil Pulling can give relief and cure Headaches, Asthma, Bad Breath, Nose Block, Tooth Pain, Acidity, Ulcers, Cracked Feet, Joint Pains, Stomach Problems, Problems related to Lungs, Liver & Nerves.

Who can practice this:

Oil Pulling can be practiced by all from the age of 5 years onwards for any type of health problems. People who are in a habit of taking a lot of medicines should try this, as it will release a lot of toxins from the body.

Which Oil to be Used:

Any cooking oil can be used, but the most preferred is the Sesame Oil.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What are homophones?

1. What are homophones?

2. How do you use the thesaurus?

3. What is the difference between a confidante and confident?

4. Why should we learn Grammar?

5. What is Grammar?

6. What is the difference between a phrase and a clause?

7. What is Phrase?

 8. What are literary devices?

9. What is semicolon? What is the use of a semicolon?

10. What is literature? 
11. What do you mean when you say juxtaposing words in literature?

12.  What is a sonnet?

13. How do you use a semicolon?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Burdens of Life

We worry about our family, we worry about money or the lack of it

We worry about work, about where we live, about all sorts of things.

These are all burdens - the things we pick up along life's path
And lug them around the obstacles and over the crevasses that
life will bring;

Only to find that, at the destination they are useless and
we can't take them with us.

Expectation brings frustration

If you expect too much, you will be frustrated. If you don't want to be frustrated, don't expect. Live without expectations and there will be no frustration.

But people go on expecting; then frustration comes in - frustration is the shadow of expectation. When you feel frustrated you think that existence is doing something wrong to you. Any asking is asking too much. Don't ask, be. And then you will be surprised - whatsoever happens is good; you have no way to judge it.

5 Important Lessons to learn From a Humble Pencil.

1: It tells you that everything you do
will always leave a mark.

2: You can always correct the mistakes
you make....

3: The important thing in life is what you
are from inside and not from outside.

4: In life you will under go painful sharpening
which will make you better in whatever you do.

5: Finally, to be the best you can be,
you must allow yourself to be held and
guided by the hand that holds you.

Never miss the first opportunity

A young man wished to marry the farmer's beautiful daughter. He went to the farmer to ask his permission. The farmer looked him over and said,

"Son, go stand out in that field. I'm going to release three bulls, one at a time. If you can catch the tail of any one of the three bulls, you can marry my daughter."

The young man stood in the pasture awaiting the first bull.

The barn door opened and out ran the biggest, meanest-looking bull he had ever seen. He decided that one of the next bulls had to be a better choice than this one, so he ran over to the side and let the bull pass through the pasture out the back gate.

The barn door opened again. Unbelievable. He had never seen anything so big and fierce in his life. It stood pawing the ground, grunting, slinging slobber as it eyed him. Whatever the next bull was like, it had to be a better choice than this one. He ran to the fence and let the bull pass through the pasture, out the back gate.

The door opened a third time. A smile came across his face. This was the weakest, scrawniest little bull he had ever seen. This one was his bull. As the bull came running by, he positioned himself just right and jumped at just the exact moment. He grabbed... but the bull had no tail!

Life is full of opportunities. Some will be easy to take advantage of, some will be difficult. But once we let them pass (often in hopes of something better), those opportunities may never again be available.

So always grab the first opportunity.

Do What can't be Done

Do they say can't be done?
then find the way to do it.

anything that is considered impossible
is an opportunity waiting to be harvested.

just imagine the incredible power of being
able to say "I can" when everyone else is saying
" I can't"

"I can't" usually means "I won't".
be the person who will, and world of
opportunity open up to you.

It is easy to say "NO" to avoid the challenge
and the effort.

Success comes to those who say "YES"
and then set about to make it happen.

Complaints and excuses will keep you
imprisoned in a tedious world of mediocrity.

Yet what is impossible for others, does not
have to be for you.

Welcome the challenges.

Take the initiative.

feel the satisfaction of complishing
that which has never before been attempted.

look for things which can't or won't be done.

Be the one who makes them happen, and
reap their enormous value.

Change your World

You cannot change the world,
But you can present the world
with one improved person-

You can go work on yourself
to make yourself into the kind of
person you admire and resepct.

You can become a role model
and set a stander for others.

You can controle and discipiline
yourself to resist acting or speaking
in a negative way toward anyone
for any reason.

You can insist upon always doing things
loving way, rather then hurtful way.
By doing these things each day, you can
continue on your journey towards becoming
an exceptional human being.

Believe in yourself!
have faith in your abilities!
Without a humble but reasonable
in your own powers you cannot be
successful or happy.