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Monday, September 26, 2011

How Formal Education Will Make You a Living. Self Education will make you a Fortune?

How Formal Education Will Make You a Living. Self Education will make you a Fortune?

                    B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION JANUARY 2009. 

                                      Third Year English 
                                     VICTORIAN AGE 
                                                                                Time : 
                                                                                 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

1. Explain any THREE of the following in about 50 words each : (3 5 = 15)

(a) How is Telemachus portrayed in Tennyson’s Ulysses?
(b) According to Browning, what prompted the duke to give commands?
(c) Why is the blessed damozel restless in heaven?
(d) Bring out the significance of the title Sesame and Lilies.
(e) What was the main theme of Shaw’s Pygmalion?
(f) What does Hard Times symbolize in the novel?

2. Write any THREE of the following in about 150 words each :          (3 10 = 30)
(a) Critically analyse Robert Browning’s poem ‘‘My Lost Duchess’’.
(b) Consider Rossetti’s ‘‘Blessed Damozel’’ as a poem of typical pre-Raphaelite School.
(c) What is Ruskin’s message to women?
(d) Give a short note on Carlyle’s estimate of the greatness of Shakespeare.
(e) Comment on the appropriateness of the title The Importance of Being Earnest.
(f) What message does Shaw want to convey through his Pygmalion?

3. Answer any TWO of the following in about 200 words each : (2 15 = 30)
(a) What is the massage of Tennyson in his poem ‘‘Ulysses’’?
(b) Write a note on the three phases of the Victorian Age.
(c) Write a note on Carlyle's estimate of the greatness of Shakespeare.
(d) Write a note on the narrative style used in Wilkie Collins’ The Woman in White.

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