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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sin Bin

Sin Bin

It's a great idea in sport. Too many fouls and your out of the game for a short period.
 The same happens in real life, but we are not aware of it.
Sin essentially means forgetfulness, or more specifically, to forget yourself,
 to forget who you truly are, a pure, peaceful and loving spiritual being who occupies
 and animates a physical form.

 It is this forgetfulness that makes us commit what we call sinful action.
 If you are insulted by another person, and you become angry in response,
 the sin is the anger which you create not the insult.
 You are asleep to the truth that you just hurt yourself, and that you
 are the creator of  your anger not the other person.

And now you have a recording in your consciousness that contains an image
 of the other surrounded by the energy of anger. You put it there, not them.
 Next time you see them, up comes the anger again, and in that momen
t you are at your least effective, paralyzed by self created anger, you are
 effectively out of the game until you cool down. Interesting isn't it.

 Never get angry, at anything, or anyone, anytime. It's a sin!

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