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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

HR competencies will help you the most in getting a job

HR is playing an increasingly important role in businesses today. A company's strength is built on the quality of its employees. “The most important decisions that business people make are not “what” decisions, but “who” decisions”.

companies are clear that they want HR people with cutting-edge practical competencies in areas like creation of point plans, hay plans, behavioral event interviewing, conducting psychometric tests, planning and implementing OD interventions, designing scorecards, preparing competency maps, calculating ROI of training, building human capital indices, designing assessment centers etc.

Building behavioral event interview sheets, conducting motivational analysis to reduce no-shows and early attrition, conducting skill assessment using BEI

Using predictive psychological testing tools like TAT, using personality profiling tools like RSI, PSI, checking validity & reliability of psychometric testing.

Developing  job grading and point-plan based methods for accurate salary banding ,developing variable pay schemes, calibrate market corrections on employee compensation

Designing and developing assessment matrix, BARS for conducting scientific assessment centers

Developing competency maps, calculating training ROI, using behavioral engineering models

Designing training programmes for maximal retention and impact, fine-tuning facilitation skills for difficult participants

Managing and designing integrated performance and competency systems, understanding balance scorecard, designing appraisal systems

Planning strategic themes, designing balance scorecards, applying HR scorecards

Planning and managing OD initiatives, using OD tools like Malcolm Baldrige, PCMM, planning change in HR processes, systems, culture, KM        

Monday, February 27, 2012

Good Luck? Bad Luck? Who Knows?

There is a Chinese story of an old farmer who had an old horse for tilling his fields. One day the horse escaped into the hills and, when all the farmer's neighbours sympathised with the old man over his bad luck, the farmer replied, 'Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?'

A week later the horse returned with a herd of wild horses from the hills and this time the neighbours congratulated the farmer on his good luck. His reply was, 'Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?'

Then, when the farmer's son was attempted to tame one of the wild horses, he fell off its back and broke his leg. Everyone thought this very bad luck. Not the farmer, whose only reaction was, 'Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?'

Some weeks later the army marched into the village and forced every able-bodied youth they found there by law to serve in the army. When they saw the farmer's son with his broken leg they let him off. Now was that good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?

A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.

"The only thing that ever sat its way to success was a hen."

"An optimist is the human personification of spring."

"Turn your wounds into wisdom"

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.

"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want."

"Something in human nature causes us to start slacking off at our moment of greatest accomplishment. As you become successful, you will need a great deal of self-discipline not to lose your sense of balance, humility, and commitment."

"If you don't like something change it;
if you can't change it, change the way you think about it."

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.

"You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back."

Love your job. You don't have to love your Company because you may not know when your company stops loving you

Without your involvement you can't succeed.
With your involvement you can't fail.

The happiest people do not necessarily have the best of all
They simply appreciate what they find on their way.

Write your Sad times in Sand.
Write your Good times in Stone.

Dream of what you most enjoy
Go where you want to go
Be whom you want to be
You have but one life
To achieve what you want to achieve
Do find on your way
Enough luck to remain happy
Enough challenges to become strong
Enough grief to remain human
Enough hope to be happy

What is the Secret of SUCCESS?

How do you make Right Decisions? "EXPERIENCE

How do you get Experience?

It's better to lose your Ego to the one you Love,
than to lose the one you LOVE because of EGO.

Forget what is gone.
Leave what is behind you
Your failures and your pain.

"You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live now."

A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

If I Could Speak

If I could speak, here's what I would say

Happy in your arms, I want to stay.

I am your gift, and you are mine too!

Let love bond together, both me and you.

Lets enjoy this time, right here, right now.

Don't let a schedule furrow your brow.

Right now is the time, for me to hold,

When you're less busy, I'll be too old.

Snuggle me tenderly, close to your chest

It is here next to you, I am, at my best.

Your rhythmic breathing and beating heart,

Contentment, and comfort, to me impart.

To see you, smell you, assured by your voice,

All, wonderfully simple, yet help me rejoice.

A cuddle, a kiss, some playful fun and frolic,

Can banish a mood, and prevent nasty colic.

Hold me, hug me, please show me your day

You'll be sharing your love, in a marvelous way.

My learning is best when perched at your side

With arms as my classroom and you as my guide.

Please hold me up high, so I might see

All the many wonders, surrounding me.

With time spent close, as you socialize,

My mind expands and clearly I vocalize!

When you work, walk or take a short trip

With me safely balanced, upon your hip

My muscle tone and self esteem are greater,

I'll be walking much sooner, rather than later.

When we are in 'touch', it reduces our stress

We are happiest then, and worry much less.

Safe in your arms, dispels all my fears.

My beaming smiles, replace anxious tears.

To dream of our future is significant too,

And I know a career is important to you.

When I am older, then we'll join in the race

We'll be more able, to keep up the pace.

Right now, what I know, as certain and right

Is that you are my sun, the source of my light.

I don't need many things, expensive or new.

What I need is your love, your time and you.

If you think you are beaten, you are.

If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you like to win but think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will.
It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are out classed, you are.
You've got to think high to rise.
You've got to be sure of your-self before
You can ever win the prize.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

One Thing To Never Forget

Your presence, is a present to the world.

You're unique and one of a kind.

Your life can be, what you want it to be.

Take the days, just one at a time.

Count your blessings, not your troubles.

You'll make it through, whatever comes along.

Within you, are so many answers.

Understand, have courage, be strong.

Don't put limits on yourself.

So many dreams, are waiting to be realized.

Decisions are too important, to leave to chance.

Reach for your peak, your goal and your prize.

Nothing wastes more energy, than worrying.

The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets.

Don't take things too seriously.

Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.

Remember, that a little love goes a long way.

Remember, that a lot of love goes forever.

Remember, that friendship is a wise investment.

Life's treasures, are people... Together.

Realize, that it's never too late.

Do ordinary things, in a extraordinary way.

Have health, hope and happiness.

Take the time, to wish upon a star.

And don't ever forget....

For even a day....

How very special you are.

Hectic Day

I had a very hectic day today

Seems nothing I did went my way.

I fretted and stewed and worried,

Rushed here and there, always hurried.

Then I recalled what my granny would say,

"This too, my dear, will pass away."

Finally evening came and I was alone

With a little time to call my own.

I breathed a sigh into the air,

For now it seemed I hadn't a care.

But in my memory, I heard granny say,

"This too, my dear, will pass away."

So, I snuggled in for a good nights rest

Vowing tomorrow just to do my best

For when troubles come they never stay

And good times seem to hurry away.

Granny was right when she would say,

"This too, my dear, will pass away."

Enjoy the good times while they're here

And face the bad times without fear

For nothing on earth lasts forever

Each moment of life we must savor.

Live life and love while you may,

For this too, my dear, will pass away.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Possibilities and Opportunities

If you've been feeling depressed, discouraged or

bummed out for a while you may just be making a

comfortable bed for your unhappy feelings. 

Who wants to leave a comfortable bed?

Not me!

Low spirits are kept alive and well when you

rehearse depressing thoughts in your mind over

and over again.

Guess What? 

It's time for you to make an intelligent decision,

and that decision is for change.

Start thinking in terms of possibilities

and opportunities instead of things that

bring you down.

It's hard at first and you may have to force

yourself, but with a little practice, your spirits

Possibilit?ies and Opportunities?

will improve and the blue funk will subside.

Childhood Doesn't Wait

I was sitting on a bench

while in a nearby mall,

When I noticed a young mother

with two children who were small.

The youngest one was whining,

"Pick me up," I heard him beg

but the mother's face grew angry

as the child clung to her leg.

"Don't hang on to me," she shouted

as she pushed his hands away,

I wish I'd had the courage

to go up to her and say...

"The time will come too quickly

when those little arms that tug,

Won't ask for you to hold them

or won't freely give a hug.

"The day will sneak up subtly

just as it did with me,

When you can't recall the last time

that your child sat on your knee.

"Like those sacred, pre-dawn feedings

when we cherished time alone

Our babies grow and leave behind

those special times we've known.

"So when your child comes to you

with a book that you can share,

Or asks that you would tuck him in

and help him say his prayer...

"When he comes to sit and chat

or would like to take a walk,

Before you answer that you can't

`cause there's no time to talk.

"Remember what all parents learn

so many times too late,

That years go by too quickly

and that childhood doesn't wait.

"Take every opportunity,

if one should slip away

Reach hard to get it back again,

don't wait another day."

I watched that mother walk away

her children followed near,

I hope she'll pick them up

before her chances disappear...

Your starting point

You are where you are. Accept it and feel the power your

Acceptance gives you to move forward.

This moment is as it is. Accept its uniqueness and

Experience the freedom of not having to fight against it.

There are difficult challenges in your life. Accept them and

Feel the energy that will enable you to rise above them.

Accept that this is your starting point. Instead of placing

Judgments on it, see the real, positive value that's already


You cannot change where your past priorities and choices

Have brought you. Yet you can make use of the wisdom you've

Earned from it all to create a future that fulfills your

Most treasured dreams.

Lovingly and gratefully accept who you've been, what you've

Done, what you have and where you are. For you can now

Transform it all into what you most wish to be.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Forecasting and Lean Inventory Management

This program aims to discuss the best business practices which help in minimizing the total inventory in the supply chain. In this full day program the participants learn why it is necessary to forecast and apply different inventory control techniques to manage the stocks differently thus enabling to improve the overall efficiency of the supply chain.
It is expected that at the end of the program, the participants will have a good understanding of the various aspects that affect the supply chain efficiency which will help in their decision making process relating to forecasting and inventory management.
The various topics that would be covered are:

• The context within which modern supply management systems must operate.
• The role of stocks in the supply chain.
• The types of distribution system to be controlled
• Classification of Forecasts
• Forecasting requirements for stock management
• Short-term forecasting techniques
• What can and cannot be forecast
• Short term forecasting methods using time series
• Forecasting error
• Factors in a successful forecasting system
Supply Management
• To understand the factors that affect the supply management efficiency
• To understand the need to change the way the purchasing function is carried out to improve    the flow
• To understand the new methods of measuring the supply performance
• To understand the new methods of measuring the purchasing efficiency
• Case studies
• Performance measurements
Inventory Management
• Pull vs. Push system
• Virtual stock management
• The effect of order quantity on stock levels
• Practical constraints in setting the order quantity
• The key cost elements
• Economic order quantity
• Coverage analysis
• Setting buffer stock levels
• To understand the factors that affect the inventory management efficiency
• To understand the need to change the way the inventory management to be carried out to    improve the flow
• To understand the new methods of measuring the inventory management efficiency
• Case study
• Sample data analysis to identify ABC classification, pick classification, frequency analysis,    excess stocks, risk-of-run out , slow moving , obsolete / dying stocks

Monday, February 20, 2012

Three Words That make Relationships better

There are many things that you can do to strengthen your relationships.

Often the most effective thing you can do involves saying just three words.

When spoken sincerely, these statements often have the power to develop new friendships,

deepen old ones and even bring healing to relationships that have soured.

The following three-word phrases can be tools to help develop every relationship.

Let me help:

Good friends see a need and then try to fill it.

When they see a hurt they do what they can to heal it.

Without being asked, they jump in and help out.

 I understand you:

People become closer and enjoy each other more when the other person

accepts and understands them.

Letting your spouse know - in so many little ways - that you understand them,

is one of the most powerful tools for healing your relationship.

And this can apply to any relationship.

 I respect you:

Respect is another way of showing love.

Respect demonstrates that another person is a true equal.

If you talk to your children as if they were adults you will strengthen the bonds

and become closer friends. This applies to all interpersonal relationships.

I miss you:

Perhaps more marriages could be saved and strengthened if couples simply and sincerely

said to each other I miss you. This powerful affirmation tells partners they are wanted,

needed, desired and loved.

Consider how important you would feel, if you received an unexpected phone call

from your spouse in the middle of your workday, just to say I miss you.

Maybe youre right:

This phrase is very effective in diffusing an argument.

The implication when you say maybe youre right is the humility of admitting,

maybe Im wrong. Lets face it. When you have an argument with someone,

all you normally do is solidify the other persons point of view.

They, or you, will not likely change their position and you run the risk of seriously

damaging the relationship between you.

Saying maybe youre right can open the door to explore the subject more.

You may then have the opportunity to express your view in a way that is

understandable to the other person.

Please forgive me:

Many broken relationships could be restored and healed if people would admit their mistakes

and ask for forgiveness. All of us are vulnerable to faults, foibles and failures.

A man should never be ashamed to own up that he has been in the wrong,

which is saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.

I thank you:

Gratitude is an exquisite form of courtesy.

People who enjoy the companionship of good,

close friends are those who dont take daily courtesies for granted.

They are quick to thank their friends for their many expressions of kindness.

On the other hand, people whose circle of friends is severely constricted often

do not have the attitude of gratitude.

Count on me:

A friend is one who walks in when others walk out.

Loyalty is an essential ingredient for true friendship.

It is the emotional glue that bonds people.

Those that are rich in their relationships tend to be steady

and true friends.

When troubles come, a good friend is there indicating

you can count on me.

Ill be there:

If you have ever had to call a friend in the middle of the night,

to take a sick child to hospital, or when your car has broken down

some miles from home, you will know how good it feels to hear the phrase

Ill be there.

Being there for another person is the greatest gift we can give.

When we are truly present for other people, important things

happen to them and us.

We are renewed in love and friendship.

We are restored emotionally and spiritually.

Being there is at the very core of civility.

Go for it:

We are all unique individuals.

Dont try to get your friends to conform to your ideals.

Support them in pursuing their interests, no matter how far out they seem to you.

God has given everyone dreams, dreams that are unique to that person only.

Support and encourage your friends to follow their dreams.

Tell them to go for it.

I love you:

Perhaps the most important three words that you can say.

Telling someone that you truly love them satisfies a person

deepest emotional needs.

The need to belong, to feel appreciated and to be wanted.

Your spouse, your children, your friends and you, all need to hear

those three little words: I love you.

Love is a choice. You can love even when the feeling is gone.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Managing Finance is the key to successful organizations and businesses.

Managing Finance is the key to successful organizations and businesses. The knowledge of finance is essential for further growth. Basics of Finance for Non-Finance Executives is designed to provide you with an understanding of financial management principles and equip you with the practical skills to develop informed and

Effective financial plans.

•       Accounting equation

•       Audit

•       Concepts in accounting

•       Classification of transactions

•       Types of accounts

•       Rules for accounting

•       Classifying, recording and reporting transactions

•       Preparing accounting statements

•       Reading and analyzing accounting statements

•       Accounts with Tally 9 ERP

•       PF , PT & ESI

•       Payroll Process

•       Labour Laws

•       Service Tax

•       Banking

•       MIS Reports & Advanced Excel Reports

•       VAT

•       TDS

•       Income Tax

•       Tax Planning for Employees

•       Interview Tips and Soft Skills

Two Wolves Within Us

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, "My son, the battle is between 2 wolves inside us all."

"One is Evil.

It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance,

self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego."

"The other is Good.

It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth,
compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather Which wolf wins?

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Friday, February 17, 2012

What is the value of happiness ?

Happiness is a state of mind and we keep accumulating things like mobile phones, cameras, DVDs, VCDs ,ipod, cars, digital instruments just for the heck of it. How many can recall when was the last time one has used them, how often and how useful they are now?

We are not content with what we have. unless and until we acquire the things we do not have. The exchange mela offer comes handy to give and pay more to buy a better one. As long as the offer is alive our longings also survive. Who's wrong and what is wrong and where?
Whether it's car, PC, laptop, cell phones and other gadgets we would like to flaunt the recent in the market. Do we need it really, can we do with the basic ones, or is it worth going for the up gradation of gadgets? How many of us think with sense of their utility?

If a phone is just for contacts in emergencies why do we have to go for the costly ones when we can very well do with the simple ones? How many are happy with the limited resources and simple gadgets? All cannot be living in the lap of luxury all the time.Â

A wrist watch is to see the time and the basic one would do with the minimum cost rather than go for the costlier one. What is its purpose? An ordinary TV would do instead of a plasma one.Â

The more one goes towards these gadgets they become 'stay connected' mortals with not much knowledge about things happening around them. more money on gadgets and less time for people. Everyone has to spend some good quality time with family members as stress busters, it is essential in the current stressed life.

The mirage of chasing the unwanted bubbles makes one to have less happiness. There is no guarantee that tomorrow you will be happy.

Happiness lost is gone , a day gone is gone out of hands.

What is the use of these gadgets when you do not have anyone to talk to or spend time with you? The luxurious life will not replace the human touch in your life.Try to live for being happy.

Go in search of the value of happiness around you.

Positive power

You have the power to achieve the best. Allow it.

You have a purpose that comes directly from your authentic

Essence. Accept it, acknowledge it, explore it, and allow i

To flow into every corner of your world.

Striving and fighting only hold you back. Now it is time to

Live every moment with the positive power you know you have.

Now is the time to love and to fulfill the beauty that you

Know can be. Now you can let authentic life flow.

The problems hold you back only because you see them as

Problems. Now it is time to see every circumstance as the

Opportunity that it is.

every desire, every hope, every longing is already fulfilled

By your possibilities. Now is the time to live them fully.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Tone Of Voice

It's not so much what you say,

As the manner in which you say it;

It's not so much the language you use,

As the tone in which you convey it.

"Come here," I sharply said,

And the child cowered and wept.

"Come here," I said; he looked and smiled,

And straight to my lap he crept.

Words may be mild and fair,

But the tone may pierce like dart;

Words may be soft as the summer air,

But the tone may break my heart.

For words come from the mind

Grow by study and art,

But tone leaps from the inner self,

Revealing the state of heart.

Whether you know it or not,

Whether you're mean or care,

Gentleness, kindness, love and hate,

Envy, anger are there.

Then, would you quarrels avoid

And peace and love rejoice ?

Keep anger not only out of your words,

Keep it out of your voice.

Moving Rocks

A little boy was spending his Saturday morning

playing in his sandbox.

He had with him his box of cars and trucks,

his plastic pail, and a shiny, red plastic shovel.

In the process of creating roads and tunnels in the soft sand,

he discovered a large rock in the middle of the sandbox.

The boy dug around the rock, managing to dislodge it from the dirt.

With a little bit of struggle, he pushed and nudged the large rock

across the sandbox by using his feet.

When the boy got the rock to the edge of the sandbox,

he found that he couldn't roll it up and over the

wall of sandbox.

Determined, the little boy shoved, pushed, and pried,

 but every time he thought he had made some progress,

the rock tipped and then fell back into the sandbox.

The little boy grunted, struggled, pushed, & shoved;

But his only reward was to have the rock roll back,

smashing his chubby fingers.

Finally he burst into tears of frustration.

All this time the boy's father watched from his

living room window as the drama unfolded.

At the moment the tears fell, a large shadow fell across

the boy and the sandbox.

It was the boy's father.

Gently but firmly he said, 'Son, why didn't you use

all the strength that you had available?'

Defeated, the boy sobbed back, 'But I did, Daddy, I did!

I used all the strength that I had!'

'No, son,' corrected the father kindly.

You didn't use all the strength you had.

You didn't ask me.'

With that the father reached down, picked up the rock

and removed it from the sandbox.

Do you have 'rocks' in your life that need to be removed?

Are you discovering that you don't have what it takes to lift them?

There is always someone such as a loved one or a friend

available to us and who is willing to give us the strength

we need.

Isn't it funny how in life we often try so hard to do

things ourselves, when all we had to do was ask for help?

True Success

True success is based not on how obnoxious you can be,

but on how helpful and valuable you can make yourself.

True success is based not on how hateful of spiteful you can be,

but on how much love you can inspire.

True success is based not on how much glamour you can  project,

but on how much beauty you can see and appreciate.

True success is based not on how much you can take,

but on the real value you are able to create.

When everything you do is all about you,

then nothing you do will really matter.

Even if you drive the most intimidating vehicle on the road,

and have the most prestigious address in town,

life will be empty if you are the only person you truly care about.

Being absorbed only with yourself is the quickest route to misery.

 In contrast, the more genuine consideration you have for others,      

the more blessed your life will be.

Before you act, think of how your actions will affect others.

Seek to make a positive difference for the people around you,

and  you'll find real, lasting success and fulfillment flowing into

your own life.

Each moment you have an opportunity to be truly successful      

by contributing your own special value to life.

Think and act beyond yourself, and there's no limit to the

real success you can achieve.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Dreams Quotes

 If one advances confidently in the direction of one's dreams,
and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined,
one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.

Do not lose hold of your dreams or asprirations.
For if you do, you may still exist but you have ceased to live.

Then indecision brings its own delays,And days are lost lamenting o'er lost days.
Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute;What you can do, or dream you can,
begin it;Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream.

When to soft Sleep we give ourselves away, And in a dream as in a fairy bark Drift
on and on through the enchanted dark To purple daybreak--little thought we pay
To that sweet bitter world we know by day.

Sweet sleep be with us, one and all! And if upon its stillness fall The visions of
a busy brain, We'll have our pleasure o'er again, To warm the heart, to charm the sight,
Gay dreams to all! good night, good night.

If there were dreams to sell, What would you buy? Some cost a passing bell;
Some a light sigh, That shakes from Life's fresh crown Only a rose-leaf down.
If there were dreams to sell, Merry and sad to tell, And the crier rung the bell,
What would you buy?

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh;
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams,
your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids
in those days will I pour out my spirit.

As a dream when one awaketh; so, O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image.

"Come to me, darling; I'm lonely without thee; Daytime and nighttime
I'm dreaming about thee."

Oft morning dreams presage approaching fate,
For morning dreams, as poets tell, are true.

I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls, With vassals and serfs at my side,
 And of all who assembled within those walls, That I was the hope and the pride.

I had a dream, which was not all a dream.

And dreams in their development have breath, And tears, and tortures, and the touch of joy;
They have a weight upon our waking thoughts, They take a weight from off our waking toils,
They do divide our being.

A change came o'er the spirit of my dream.

All things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams.

The fisher droppeth his net in the stream, And a hundred streams are the same as one;
And the maiden dreameth her love-lit dream; And what is it all, when all is done?
The net of the fisher the burden breaks, And always the dreaming the dreamer wakes.

Again let us dream where the land lies sunny And live, like the bees, on our hearts' old honey,
Away from the world that slaves for money-- Come, journey the way with me.

Like the dreams, Children of night, of indigestion bred.

My eyes make pictures, when they are shut.

And so, his senses gradually wrapt In a half sleep, he dreams of better worlds,
And dreaming hears thee still, O singing lark; That singest like an angel in the clouds.

Dream after dream ensues; And still they dream that they shall still succeed;
And still are disappointed.

Dream the impossible dream.

Dreams are but interludes, which fancy makes;
When monarch reason sleeps, this mimic wakes.

In blissful dream, in silent night, There came to me, with magic might,
 With magic might, my own sweet love, Into my little room above.

When the magic begins

You're only a moment away from being more positive and

Effective than you've ever been. You're only a moment away

From living life at its highest level.

The only thing holding you back is your choice to keep

Yourself back. That's a choice you can change right now.

You've gone long enough evading and avoiding your best

Possibilities. Now it's time to accept that you're

Absolutely worthy of the rich, fulfilling life you truly


That life can begin to be yours right now. That life can

Start the moment you decide to stop hiding from the unique

Beauty of who you truly are.

Yes, it will take effort, determination, faith, commitment

And discipline. And every moment of it will be infused with

The irreplaceable joy of knowing you're being true to your

Own highest destiny.

Go ahead, from where you are, with what you have, and choose

To be an active participant in the unfolding of your best

Possibilities. This is your life, this is your day, and this

Is when the magic begins.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Positive power of happiness

It is simple and easy to be happy. The hard part is
Convincing yourself, and getting past your own resistance to

You might assume that just because things are one way or
Another, there is no possibility of happiness. Yet that
Assumption is entirely mistaken.

You know precisely how to be happy, how to create the
Feeling of happiness within yourself and how to express it
Within any context. You've done it many times in a whole lot
Of different situations.

Your happiness does not come from the moment, or the
Surroundings, or even from the people around you. It comes
From you, and from your decision to feel its positive power.

Go ahead and skip right over all those reasons why you can't
Be happy. Instead, think of the times when you have been
Happy and recall the strategy you've always used to bring
That happiness to life.

Activate that very same strategy right now. And bring the
Positive power of your own happiness to this very moment.

Go ahead and decide

You won't make your decisions easier just by putting them off

Until later. When a decision is called for, go ahead and Make it.

 If you keep your options open for too long, those options

Will no longer be available to you. Choose one option based

On your best information, and go with it.

 Give sufficient thought and consideration to your decisions,

But don't drag them on endlessly. The sooner you get started

Implementing a decision, the more effective you'll be.

 Accept the fact that you won't make a perfect decision every

Time. And remember that you'll have opportunities to adjust

Your approach if things don't work out the way you planned.

 You cannot predict the future yet there is much you can do

To intelligently and effectively prepare for it. Instead of

Agonizing over what might or might not happen, get busy

Creating value that will be there no matter what happens.

 Go ahead and decide. The sooner you decide, the more time

And energy you'll have to make the decision work out the way

You intended.

Words of wisdom

Take nothing for granted:  watch water flow, the corn grow,

the leaves blow, your neighbors mow.

Set your own pace. 

When someone is pushing you,

it is okay to tell them they're pushing.

Remember a happy, peaceful time in your past. 

Rest there.

Each moment has a richness that takes a lifetime to savor.

Taste your food. 

God gave it to delight as well as to nourish.

Notice the sun and the moon as they rise and  set.

They are remarkable for their steady pattern of movement,

not their speed.

Talk and play with children. 

It will bring out the unhurried

little person inside you.

When you walk with someone, don't think about what

you'll say next. 

Thoughts will spring up naturally if you let them.

Quit planning how you are going to use what you know,

learn or possess. 

God's gifts just are; be grateful and their purpose will be clear.

Allow yourself time to be lazy and  unproductive.

Rest isn't a luxury, it's a necessity.

Listen to the wind blow.

 It carries a message of yesterday

and tomorrow, and now.

Now counts.

Create a place in your home, at your work, in  your heart,

where you can go for quiet and recollection. 

You deserve it.


Monday, February 6, 2012


"Intuition is the clear conception of the whole at once."

"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into

the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover

will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself."

"Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby

God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message."

"Intuition becomes increasingly valuable in the new

information society precisely because there is so much data."

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind

is a faithful servant. We have created a society that

honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."

"The only real valuable thing is intuition."

"A leader or a man of action in a crisis almost always acts

subconsciously and then thinks of the reasons for his action."

"It is always with excitement that I wake up in the morning

wondering what my Intuition will toss up to me, like gifts

from the sea. I work with it and rely on it. It's my partner."

"Intuition is the supra-logic that cuts out all the routine

processes of thought and leaps straight from the problem

to the answer."

"Creativity comes from trust.

Trust your instincts.

And never hope more than you work."

"Intuition comes very close to clairvoyance;

it appears to be the extrasensory perception of reality."

"Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might

as well be your own, instead of someone else's."

"Each one of us has all the wisdom and knowledge we ever need

right within us. It is available to us through our intuitive

mind, which is our connection with universal intelligence."

"Instinct is untaught ability."

"For the spiritual being, intuition is far more than a hunch.

It is viewed as guidance or as God talking, and this inner

insight is never taken lightly or ignored."

I Believe In Me

For many years of my life

I wore my heart for all to see

Making it much too easy

For others to take advantage of me.

I lived and I loved three times

To the loftiest heights

Always crashing to the ground

When my loves took wings of flight.

I put my whole being into love

Never thinking of myself

Whatever I truly needed

Was put high upon a shelf.

I thought another person

Could make me whole

Until I spent hours alone

Looking deep within my soul.

Life is different now

I found the woman I used to be

I know once again who I am inside

In myself I now believe.

I know what I have to offer

I am kind .... I love .... I care

No one will crush my spirit again

For now I'm wiser and aware.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Negative Situations

When there is a negative situation that you cannot change,

Focus your thoughts and energy elsewhere.

When there is a pain that will not go away,

Overwhelm it with an even greater amount of joy.

It serves no useful purpose to get mired in despair over things

you cannot control.

It makes much more sense to do the very best,

to achieve the very most, With those things you do control.

You can choose where to focus your energy and attention.

Focus on those areas where you can have a powerful positive impact.

Yes, it can be easy to get caught up in the negativity

of the moment.

Yet it also can be surprisingly easy to shift your focus toward

the positive, Productive things you can do.

You are never obligated to be miserable.

If you really want to contribute to life,

Set your sights on the value you're able to create.

Don't despair over the darkness that is beyond your control.

Instead, shine your own light so brightly that the darkness

 is overwhelmed.


Faith the size of a mustard seed

Will move a mighty mountain

That's what His word tells me

To believe is to trust in Him

To know that His word is truth

To know that He will do as He says

To stand on those words

And accept them through his Grace

So why do I doubt

Why do I limit Him

Why do I fear

Is fear really a sin

Faith the size of a mustard seed

Is what I have and more

Yet I whine and cry

When adversity knocks on my door

I know my God is there

To wipe away my tears

I know my God is there

To calm all my fears

I know my God is there

To fix all that's broken

I know my God can do all things

With only one word spoken

He's the creator of all the universe

He's the creator of my soul

He's the reason I'm alive

He can make me whole

He takes me by the hand

He walks me through the dark

I've trusted Him through all the years

To chase away the enemy's sharks

Yet when a new problem arises

When I'm faced with sadness again

I cry and whine and wail

I guess I never learn

Faith the size of a mustard seed

Will move a mighty mountain

Nothing is impossible with God

When you simply trust in Him Amen!!

Fresh or dried fruit -- which is better

Fresh fruit comes packaged as nature intended and therefore it contains all the
vitamins, minerals, fibre, phytochemicals and antioxidants you might expect. 
Fruit also contains water  and lots of it. 

An apple for example is approximately 85% water and grapefruits, water melons
and strawberries all contain over 90% water by weight.
This water content can not only contribute to your daily fluid requirement but it also
 adds bulk and volume to the fruit which helps to make you feel satisfied and full  -
 a real plus point for anyone looking to control their weight.
As the name suggests, dried fruits have had most of their water content removed. 
This, in effect, concentrates the remaining nutrients into a smaller volume
 which is why dried fruits, weight for weight, are often richer in fibre, iron
and other key vitamins and minerals. 

However, this also means dried fruits will also be richer in calories and sugar.

This is partly due to the concentrated nature of dried fruits but also
because some dried fruits have sugar added during the drying process. 

This reduction in overall volume plus the increase in calories and sugar
content means that, if you are watching your weight, you will need to
keep a keen eye on the quantity of dried fruits you consume.

The drying process varies from fruit to fruit but several dried fruits are also
treated with sulphur dioxide as it helps to preserve colour and flavour. 
There is little evidence to suggest this is hazardous to most people however
it can cause skin rashes, stomach upsets and asthma attacks in some susceptible people.

Sulfur dioxide also eliminates the Vitamin B1 or thiamine content within the fruit
which in itself is not too much or a problem as vitamin B1 is fairly readily available
in foods so a deficiency of this vitamin is rare.
Fruits that are dried without the use of sulfur dioxide are often less appealing to look at
though as they tend to be more discoloured.

For example, apricots dried without the use of sulphur dioxide tend to be brown
and far less appetizing to look at than those treated with sulfur dioxide which are
likely to retain more of their original orange colour and shape.
If in doubt, select organic dried fruits wherever possible as
 these will not have had sulfur dioxide added.

The drying process can also deplete other valuable water soluble nutrients such as
vitamin C and other B vitamins. However, eaten in smaller quantities to avoid excess calorie
and sugar consumption dried fruits still make a really, excellent alternative
to most other commercially prepared snacks.

So, in short, as long as you don't over do it, most dried fruits are
a healthy, convenient and nutritious snack. 

However, fresh fruits are likely to be richer in immune boosting vitamin C
if weight loss is your goal, their high water content will help with hunger control,
helping you to feel fuller for longer.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

GICE Conducts Seminar on Become A Complete Manager

Improving Your Personal & Managerial Effectiveness:

   a. Knowing Yourself: Raising Awareness about One-Self

   b. Analyzing Self Personality Traits: Personal Development Plans

   c. Stress Management in Self & Others: From Stress to De-stress

   Team Dynamics: Building & Leading Winning Teams:

   a. Understanding Team Dynamics

   b. Creating High Performance Teams

   c. Characteristics of a Winning Team


   a. New Slogan - “Employees First, Customers Second”

   b. Role of Leaders- Building Trust & Motivating the Team

   c. Leader as a Coach – Coaching Skills

   Time Management:

   a. Priortising Tasks

   b. Identifying Time Wasters & Getting Organised

   c. Organising other people

   Effective Delegation:

   a. Benefits of Delegation, How & What to delegate?

   b. Delegating Authority, Responsibility and Accountability

   c. How to delegate? What should not be Delegated?

   Change Management:

   a. Introducing and Managing Change- Guidelines for Change Management.

   b. Why do people “Accept and Reject” Change?

   c. Overcoming Resistance to Change- Gaining Commitment

   Business Communication Skills:

   a. Verbal/ Spoken, Presentation Skills

   b. Written Communication- email etiquette

   c. Non-Verbal Communication/ Body Language
   Presentation Skills for Internal Meets & Customers:

   a. How to make impactful presentations?

   b. 5-Ps of an Effective Presentation

c. Understanding Your Audience, Handling Questions

   Negotiations Skills:

   a. What is negotiation and what it is not?

   b. Types of Negotiators & their Styles

   c. Habits of Successful Negotiators.

   Emotional Intelligence:

   a. Developing Emotional Intelligence

   b. Managing Emotions in self and others

   c. Improving Organizational  Efficiency