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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience

Learn to view  everything as a worthwhile experience.

May you find serenity and tranquility in a world

You may not always understand.

May the pain you have known and conflict you have

experienced Give you the strength to walk through life

Facing each new situation with courage and  optimism.

Always know that there are those whose love

and understanding Will always be there, even

when you feel most alone.

May you discover enough goodness in others

To believe in a world of peace.

May a kind word, a reassuring touch, a warm smile be yours

Every day of your life,

And may you give these gifts as well as receive them.

Remember the sunshine when the storm seems unending.

Teach love to those who know hate,

And let that love embrace you as you go into the world.

May the teaching of those you admire become part of you,

So that you may call upon them.      


Remember, those whose lives you have touched

And who have touched yours are always a part of you,

Even if the encounters  were less than you would have wished.

It is the content of the encounter that is more important than

it's form.

May you not become too concerned with material matters,

But instead place immeasurable value on the goodness

in your heart.

Find time in each day to see the beauty

and love in the world around you.

Realize that each person has limitless abilities,

But each of us is different in our own way.


What you may feel you lack in one regard

May be more than compensated for in another.

What you feel you lack in the present            

May become one of your strengths in the future.

May you see your future as one filled with promise

and possibility.

Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience.

May you find enough inner  strength to determine

your own worth by yourself,

And not be dependent on another's judgment of your


May you always feel loved.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Breathing Therapy

The nose has a left and a right side; we use both to inhale and exhale.

Actually they are different; you would be able to feel the difference.
... The right side represents the sun, left side represents the moon.
During a headache, try to close your right nose and use your left nose to breathe.

In about 5 mins, your headache will go?
If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose.
After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.

Right side belongs to 'hot', so it gets heated up easily, left side belongs to 'cold'.

Most females breathe with their left noses, so they get "cooled off" faster.

Most of the guys breathe with their right noses, they get worked up.

Do you notice the moment we wake up, which side breathes faster? Left or right? ?

If left is faster, you will feel tired.
So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing, you will get refreshed quickly.
This can be taught to kids, but it is more effective when practiced by adults.

My friend used to have bad headaches and was always visiting the doctor.

There was this period when he suffered headache literally every night, unable to study.

He took painkillers, did not work.

He decided to try out the breathing therapy here: closed his right nose and breathed through his left nose.

In less than a week, his headaches were gone! He continued the exercise for one month.

This alternative natural therapy without medication is something that he has experienced.

So, why not give it a try?

Monday, May 21, 2012

When you've had a setback

When you've had a setback, ask yourself this.

What is it attempting to tell you?

Often the setbacks can turn out to be very fortunate

Occurrences. Because they prevent you from going

any further down a dead-end road.

Setbacks force you to re-evaluate your strategy. And that

Will invariably lead to a much more successful strategy.

When you've had a setback, challenge yourself to find the

positive message in it. Challenge yourself to find a more

Effective way to move forward from it.

Use it as an opportunity to step back and get some

Perspective. Use it as an opportunity to renew your

Commitment and realign with your purpose.

 See each setback as one more step on the path to

Achievement. Then get back on that path, for success is

Closer than ever before.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wonders Of The Neem Tree.

    The Neem tree is a fast growing evergreen that is native to Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. This amazing tree is claimed to treat forty different diseases. All the parts of the tree is used for treating illness, the leaves, fruit, seeds and even the bark all contain medicinal properties.

The use of neem as a medicinal herb dates back over 5,000 years. Today it’s benefits have been proven by scientific research and clinical trials. And, although few of us have access to a neem tree, it can be purchased in the form of oil, powder and pills.

To give you an idea of the healing powers of the neem tree, here are a few names that the people of India have given it, “Divine Tree”, “Village Pharmacy”, “Heal All” and “Nature’s Drugstore”. With the almost ending list of uses for neem, I think it could be called, ” The Tree of Life”!

In treating diabetes, neem has been found to actually reduce the insulin requirements by as much as 50% without altering the blood glucose levels. Take 3 to 5 drops internally each day.
Neem cleanses the blood, stimulates antibody protection and strengthens the immune system which improves the bodies resistance to many diseases.

Used as a mouth wash it treats infections, mouth ulcers, bleeding sore gums and will even help prevent tooth decay!
For pink eye the juice of neem leaves can be used as eye drops, warm 5-10 ml and apply several drops.

To treat jaundice, mix 30 ml of neem juice with 15 ml of honey, take on an empty stomach for seven days.

If you suffer from burning sensations and excessive sweating, add 5 to 10 drops of neem oil in a glass of milk before going to bed.

Proclaimed the best product available in treating psoriasis, 2 capsules should be taken three times daily after meals with a glass of water.

Another way to treat psoriasis as well as eczema, skin ulcers, fungal conditions, cold sores and athletes foot, is to mix 1 tablespoon neem oil and 4 ounces of olive oil. This should be applied at least twice daily to the affected areas.

For acne problems take 2 capsules twice daily, you will start to see results within a few days.
To remove moles and warts, one drop of undiluted neem oil should be directly to the mole or wart and then covered with a small bandage. The procedure should be repeated daily using fresh oil and clean bandage.

For sinusitis, plain pure neem oil can be used as nasal drops. Use tow drops twice daily, morning and evening.

For athletes foot, soak feet in warm water with 15 ml of neem oil.
Neem oil will quickly stop earaches, just warm some oil and apply a few drops into the ear.
For hemorrhoids, apply some neem oil to a cotton ball and gently rub for about a week. If preferred a paste can be made by adding a small amount of olive oil or Aloe Vera oil until desired consistency is reached.

To prevent hair loss and enhance growth, mix a few drops of neem oil with coconut or olive oil and massage into scalp. This will even prevent your hair from graying!
Neem oil can be applied to cuts and abrasions to help them heal quickly. Neem increases blood flow which aids in creating the collagen fibers that helps the wounds to close.

As a treatment for burns and even sunburn, neem oil can kill the bacteria, reduce the pain and stimulate the immune system. By stimulating the immune system it speeds up the healing process and there is less scarring.

To kill head lice, neem oil should be massaged into the scalp and left on over night. Shampoo your hair as usual the next morning.

Neem detoxifies the body and helps maintain healthy circulatory systems, digestive and respiratory systems and helps to keep the urinary tract free of infections.

Scientific evidence has shown that neem is valuable in boosting the bodies immune system. A healthier immune system helps your body in fighting off many illness and diseases.

Laboratory studies have proven neem to be effective in treating the symptoms of food poisoning associated with both salmonella and staphylococcus. Neem extracts kill the salmonella bacteria and flush it out of your system, reducing the severity and length of the ailment.

A neem paste applied directly to the sores caused by chicken pox, will relieve the itching and reduce scarring.

Neem tea drank once or twice weekly can even help prevent colds. If you already have the symptoms associated with a cold they can be lessened by drinking neem tea three times a day. It will help alleviate the fever, cough, aches and pains, sore throat, fatigue and nasal congestion.

Neem also contains powerful anti-fungal properties that have been shown to aide in the treatment of athletes foot, yeast infections, thrush and even ringworm.

In it’s use of treating hepatitis, 80% of test subjects showed a significant improvement. The neem extract can actually block the infection that causes this virus.

Drinking neem tea during an outbreak of influenza will help alleviate some of the symptoms and speed up the recovery time. Neem has an amazing ability to literally surround viruses and prevent them from even infecting the cells.

Use of a neem based powder for jock itch will reduce the itching, dry the area and kill the fungus. For severe cases a neem lotion may be more effective.

The length and severity of an outbreak of mononucleosis can be decreased by drinking neem tea twice a day for two weeks.

For shingles, neem cream should be applied to the affected area at least three times per day. Severe cases should also be treated with neem tea after each meal, but tea should not be consumed for more than two weeks at a time.

Thrush can be effectively treated with neem tea, it will reduce the inflammation, reduce the pain and speed healing. Children under the age of 12 should not drink neem tea, for children this young it should only be used to gargle.

Secondary bacterial infections in the nasal passages and respiratory system can be decreased by inhaling steam from boiling the leaves.
In a recent study neem was shown to lower cholesterol levels when taken for a month in either the capsule form or the extract.

Scientific studies have proven that neem will reduce blood clots, heart irregularities and even reduce blood pressure. Results can be seen within one month on a regimen of extract or capsules.

Neem will increase the bodies production of T-cells, which will attack infections.
The use of neem oil on the skin is known to actually rejuvenate the skin, it also promotes collagen and will work in the treatment of many skin conditions including acne. Acne can be cleared up with a few day by taking two neem capsules twice daily.
It is reported that neem will help in fighting chronic fatigue.

For headaches neem powder should be applied to the forehead, neem oil should also work in combating headaches when used the same way.
The inflammation, pain and swelling of the joints associated with arthritis can be greatly relieved with the use of neem. Neem changes the immune systems response to arthritis and can halt the progress of this disease.

For centuries neem has been used to reduce tumors. Clinical research has shown remarkable effects in the reduction of tumors and cancers and also in treating leukemia.
Neem is highly effective in treating gastritis, indigestion and heartburn.
Blood disorders such as blood poisoning, kidney problems and poor circulation have been benefited by the use of neem.

With all of the countless medicinal benefits that are already provided with the use of neem, it is also being studied very closely for a treatment for AIDS, cancer, allergies, diabetes and both male and female forms of birth control!
Neem oil should be stored in a cool dark place, if the oil solidifies it can be placed in warm water to bring back to liquid form.

Difficult and Beautiful

Life can be very beautiful and life can be very difficult.

Learn to appreciate the beauty so much that the difficulties

Cannot bring you down.

The way to deal with life's difficulties is not to avoid

Them. The way to successfully deal with those difficulties

Is to overwhelm them.

Be more persistent than your most persistent problems. Use

Your creativity, your flexibility, your ingenuity and your

Passion to make your way forward no matter what.

Treasure the beauty in even the smallest, most seemingly

Insignificant things. Connect with the abundance that is

Woven through every fiber of life.

See each moment as an opportunity to make a small

Difference. Those small steps you make forward will soon add

Up to create big results.

Life can at times be difficult, but so what? The immense

Beauty and possibilities for joy are worth far more than all

The troubles combined.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Never regret

You will never regret genuine kindness.
you will never regret making the most of
whatever is available to you.

Though it maybe painful at the time,
you will never regret being truthful.
and you will never regret giving your
best effort to whatever task at hand.

You will never regret the time you spend
with those you love. and whether ot not it is
appreciated, you will never regret giving a
helping hand those in need.

You will never regret taking time to enjoy life's beauty.
you won't regret the time you take to learn.

When face with difficult situation,
You will never regret choosing most positive way forward.
and even though they will demand much of you, you will not
regret taking on the meaningful challenges.

Live true to who you are, and trute to your highest possibilites.
Though you won't avoid all of life's difficulties, you can avoid the
painful regrets.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Staying Happy

You have to be happy to receive the happy versions of other people!

With every single person you come into contact, you are either giving love or you're not.

And based on what you give, that is what you receive.

Give love to others through kindness,encouragement,support,gratitude,or any good feeling ,

and it comes back to you multiplied in every area of your life.

Look for the things you love in a relationship more than you notice negative things

and it will appear as if something incredible has happened to the other person.

You have to be happy to receive the happy versions of other people!

The force of love presents you with a whole array of Personal Emotional Trainers,

disguised as everyday people, but they are all training you to choose love!

Life is presenting every person and circumstance to you so you can

choose what you love and what you don't love.

When you react to anything you are reacting with your feelings,

and as you do,you are choosing it!

Changing the way you feel is easy compared to running around trying to change

the circumstances of the outside world.Change your feelings and the outside

circumstances will change!


          Life is a sincere teacher. It is always ready to teach us lessons, even if we are not interested and do not want to learn them.
 The relationships we entered, stayed in, or even ended teach us a lot. The irony is that most of the time, the writing is on the wall,
but we prefer to look away finding it too harsh to accept. Too late in life I learnt many lessons which I would like to share with my
readers.Looking back at my life as I have reached the threshold of old age, there are times when I wonder….. There are so many ifs
and buts concerned! What would life have been if I had learnt my lessons on time? Maybe the face of my life would have been totally
 different (though I can not say better) today.

Too late in life I learnt to take a stand. Often when I found myself in a confronting situation, I preferred to retreat instead of holding
my grounds and fighting for what was right in my opinion. The coward inside me, feared the disapproval of the people I loved, and
 I gave in to demands which at times seemed to me unjust or selfish. I just lacked the courage to defend my rights, until eventually
one day I found myself against the wall. In a do or die situation, I learnt to retaliate but it was too late, as all the people around me
were habituated to my meekness and expected me to keep on moving back! I learnt very late that what opinion other people had
about me was not as important as my self esteem and what I thought about myself!

Too late in life, I learnt to make my own decisions. Born, bred up and married in a strongly patriarchal society, I was accustomed
to have my decisions influenced by my father, brother, husband or son. There were many times when I differed with their opinion and
that too strongly,  I lacked the courage to express my views. However reluctantly, I kept on going with their decisions. And when the
day finally came when I mustered the courage to say, `enough is enough' and took my life and its decisions in my own hands, things
changed dramatically. I do not boast that I have never been wrong, but at least I now have the satisfaction that if I make a mistake,
I am paying the price for my own error and not for someone else's!

Too late in life, I realized that I myself was in charge of my happiness. For a long period I kept on lamenting for what I did not
have and so could not enjoy the bounties that I possessed! I learnt that I could have all the world's best and still could be unhappy
or I could be happy at simple things. The first ray of sunlight at dawn, the innocent smile of a child, a butterfly fluttering over flowers
 or a rainbow in a clear blue sky after rainfall had the power to make me happy but only if I wanted to be so. I learnt that we have to
teach ourselves to be happy, to be content with what we have, instead of mooning for what can not be ours.

Too late in life I conquered the fear of making mistakes. I wanted to experiment, to try out new ideas but I was afraid of failure.
 I learnt very late that failures often open the gateway to success, and that experience and wisdom is gained at the cost of mistakes.
 To have tried and failed is better than not having tried at all.

Too late in life I learnt to say `No'! There were times when I just didn't want to do something, go somewhere, entertain some people
 or take a responsibility which was not mine. But I was scared to say no, scared I would lose my place in the good books of people I loved,
scared that they would call me selfish and un-cooperative. The desire to please everyone I loved kept me so busy that I had hardly anytime
for myself, to pursue what I enjoyed in life. I finally learnt that I must give myself time and that would be possible only when I did not comply
with family and friend's wrongful demands. Any additional responsibility which made me happy was worth taking, but if something made me
angry or frustrated, I should not feel guilty to say `No'!

Too late in life I realized that for a marriage to be successful, respect for your spouse is far more important than love for him/her.
There are situations when love may not be able to pass the test of difficulties and may fizzle out at some stage in life, but if you have respect
for your spouse, your marriage has a better chance to survive the rocks. And I also realized that the best gift we can give to our children is due
respect to their father/mother!

Life is habituated at springing surprises at us. Too late in life I refused to be surprised by these unexpected turns, to take the challenges
of change with a straight face. Finally I have learnt that I will only live once, so I should make compromises and be content with things I
can not change! I also realized that to improve the quality of my life, I should make the most of these lessons. I may have learnt them late,
 but as they say, "Better late than never". I wish better luck to my readers!