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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The choice is yours

If you wish to live a day filled with anger, you can choose
To be angry. Or if you wish to live a day filled with joy,
You can choose to be joyful.

This day does not make the choice for you, and no other
Person makes that choice either. The choice is entirely up
To you.

Why can some people be happy even when times are hard while
Others are filled with despair even when all is well? It is
The individual, internal choice, not the external


, that ultimately determines how life is


In fact, it is more than that. Because whatever is going on
In your own mind and feelings will soon be happening in your
Outer world.

This day is yours to choose. This life is yours to choose.
As long as you have the choice, you might as well choose the
Very best. Decide how you truly wish to live, for right now
The choice is yours.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Peace is simplicity. Simplicity is beauty.
Choose a day as your day of simplicity.
Speak little, and listen with attention.
Do something incognito and nice for a person
you are close to.
Eat simple and natural food.
Create time periods for not doing anything –
just walk, look around, live the moment.

Have your mind open to a more profound
and silent sensitivity.
Appreciate each scene and each person as they are.
In the evening, write down your discoveries.
Observe the state of your mind.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

How to Make The Best decisions

The best decisions are made with your head and your heart.
We all agree that we should carefully and rationally think through life changing decisions.
Its just as important when making these decisions not to neglect your emotional feelings.
When you carefully consider your feelings before making a final commitment
you can save yourself a lot of heartache and frustration.
There is peace in knowing that the decisions you make are the right ones for you
when they reflect a balanced mix of rational thought and emotion.
Next time your faced with an important choice,
combine the power of your head with your heart.
You'll know you made the right decision.

Effective action

Stop sitting around wondering if this will work out or if
That won't work out. Get busy and find out for yourself.

Stop wishing that you had more to work with. You have more
Than enough to get started in this moment.

Once you start, once you make that first effort, you'll be
Able to tap into the power of momentum. The initial results
You get will enable you to make the next effort.

Quit worrying about not having enough time, for that
Worrying itself just wastes your precious time. Simply and
Gratefully make use of the time you have, and you'll always
Be making progress.

Put thought into your efforts, but don't make your thoughts
A substitute for your efforts. Get busy and put your best
Thoughts into effective action.

Give your best to this day, give your best to the effort,
And good things will come from it. Though it won't always be
The way you expect, you will always find ways to create
Real, unique value and richness in your life.